Fr. Wilson’s Weekly Address
Dear Parishioners,
Next weekend our parish will join all the others throughout the Diocese in a special second collection in support of our retired priests. After decades of service, many retired priests continue to serve where they are needed, while others require assisted living or nursing home care. Since priests are paid a modest wage, we cannot rely upon Social Security to make ends meet after we retire. Our senior priests rely on the Priest Retirement Fund (which this collection supports) for the additional income they need for basic living.
Please consider a generous donation in support of our senior priests. In their name, I thank you for whatever you can do!
Next Sunday is Catechetical Sunday. We will pray for and commission our ICCR School and CCD teachers for the new school year at the 10:30 AM Mass. It will also be our first Children’s Mass. At a Children’s Mass, I will invite children ages 5-12 to come into the sanctuary just before the Gospel and then have a homily especially for them (with overtones for all the adults present). It’s a wonderful way to highlight our youth and affirm their presence among us.
These monthly Children’s Masses will now take the place of the weekly Children’s Liturgy of the Word. While there are good reasons for offering a separate discussion of the Mass readings with children, my firm belief is to keep families together throughout the entirety of the Mass in order to bless and strengthen their unity. The Children’s Mass will be a special time for our young people within a month of traditional Masses with their families. Please join us next Sunday at 10:30 AM—and bring your little ones!
Finally, September is National Recovery Month, which recognizes those in recovery from alcohol and/or drug use. It is estimated that 70% of Rhode Islanders know someone who has been or is currently addicted to alcohol or drugs. I imagine that many reading this column know someone who has or is struggling with addiction. The Diocese has asked us to remember our suffering brothers and sisters in a special way throughout the month. Additionally, there will be a rally to support family, friends and neighbors who are in recovery. All are welcome to join the rally on Saturday, September 19, 2015 at 2:00 PM in Rogers Williams Park (corner of North Main and Canal Streets). Thank you for remembering those in the grip of addiction—or who struggle every day to stay clean. They are Christ in distressing disguise, and our prayers are a great blessing for them! God bless you in the week ahead.
Fr. Wilson